Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
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date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
It has a stop, Yes. Since I already have concerns. Since I am concerned, yes. That will come back once the bombs. This is dangerous. Since I've been waiting for the bus, because a man says to me: "Now everything is set up so beautifully - I've never known him - all set up so beautifully and then come the bombs, and will do everything to pieces." - Yes. - I'm half as old as you ... you have a whole century behind. What would you give me on my way through your life experience? Yes. to be Catholic - to live in this sense, because it has good - great content . Religious. Though not everything works as it should be. But it just yet - you have a stop somewhere, a proper fit.